Steam peeling of potatoes and vegetables is the most commonly applied method for skin removal. Steam peeling is characterized by the pulse-wise emission of large quantities of steam from the peeling vessel, usually directly to the atmosphere. The energy in the blow-off steam is lost. In addition, the atmospherical discharge causes noise and smell emissions. Means for recuperation of the lost steam where either hardly effective or accompany with pressure losses, decreasing the peeler’s product yield.
Solutherm has built up over 15 years of experience and know-how with systems for condensing the exhaust steam of steam peelers. This experience has resulted in a new, optimised product: The “Emission-to-Energy”, E²E-Condenser. The E²E-Condenser makes use of a patented cassette of parallel stainless steel sheets, acting as condensation surface and thermal storage. The E²E-Condenser is freely accessible for inspection and servicing, is compact and is the only available solution which has proven to be effective for the entire condensation of all exhaust steam to high temperature waste heat.
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The E²E-Condenser has been developed in close cooperation with Tummers Food Processing Solutions, located in The Netherlands, who designs, manufactures and installs specialised machinery and equipment for the potato industry.
Tummers and Solutherm have contributed to the successful development of the E²E-Condenser each from their own viewpoint and expertise. This approach of R&D has frequently proven its effectiveness and provides also this time strategic advantage from innovation.
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